“Putting it in Perspective: Memories of Places” Jan. 6 & 13 / 10am-2pm


$35 for members 50% off!

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Memories of Places

Instructor Christina Erickson
Mondays, Jan, 6 & 13
10am to 2pm


Capture the beauty of the architecture of places you’ve been to, through expressive drawings. You could make a memory-filled travel journal or you could work from any photos of any structures you find interesting, for ex., barns or bridges. You will learn how to use 1-point and 2-point perspective to create a logical sense of depth, along with techniques for adding tone with watercolor washes.

This class will give you the skills you need to advance your drawing abilities. Learning linear perspective is a requisite skill for advancing the believability of your work.

Come join us and have fun exploring this process!