“Intuitive art: Abstracted, Stylized Animals” – March 31 / 10am – 2pm

A free workshop for members/nonmembers. CLASS IS FULL. To get on waiting list, please email [email protected].

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Instructor – Mira Reisberg

Class size limited to 24 CLASS FULL

Monday, March 31, 2025

10am – 2pm

Get wild in this playful workshop exploring texture, color, pattern, and stamp making, as you explore making creative backgrounds with abstract, stylized, or realistic wild animalsLearn how to add a circular found poem, if you wish. Discover concepts like space, shape, color, pattern, texture, symmetry, and balance, while letting your art guide you in the pleasures of acrylic paint.

ARTIST BIO Dr. Mira Reisberg is lifelong creativity addict. Mira paints whenever she can and loves creative problem solving. She has a BFA in Graphic Design, an MFA in Painting and Digital Art, and a PhD in Education and Cultural Studies focused on children’s books. She has published eight children’s books and runs the Children’s Book Academy where her students have published close to 1500 books and won children’s book awards. Find her here: https://www.mirareisberg.com and https://childrensbookacademy.com/


  • PHOTOS Bring a couple of pictures of some favorite wild animals
  • PAINTS A range of warm and cool acrylic paints including a red, yellow, and green, white and black. Specific colors, if you have them: Titan Buff, Pthalo Blue (Green Shade), Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber.
  • BRUSHES At least 4 or 5 brushes, including pointy rounds and stiff dry brushes in a range of sizes and a flat dry brush that’s about 4” wide.
  • SURFACE Whatever surface you want to work on – suggested are two 12×12″ or 14×14″ wooden panels or heavy paper. Panels on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/AMZ-Panels
  • PALETTE or roll of wax paper for a palette
  • Water container
  • Matt or gloss medium
  • HB pencil
  • Some colored pencils (the guild has some for loan if you don’t)
  • A pad or couple of sheets of tracing paper
  • One or two old credit cards or library cards
  • Collage materials that you might want to use
  • If you have the following, please bring:

One or two pages from an old book

A brayer

Latex or non-latex gloves (the guild has some if you don’t)

Dress for fun and mess. Expect the unexpected.